Observatorio PSI
A fully responsive WordPress site with a custom data library of educational psychology programs in Latin America.
- Custom Theme
- Elementor

About the Project
Observatorio PSI is a vital resource for understanding and promoting the development of psychology in Latin America. The platform records the field’s growth and highlights its contributions to science and society. It offers updated, reliable, and objective information, alongside comparative and descriptive research on various psychological areas. Observatorio PSI also fosters connections and networking within the Latin American psychology community.
What Makes This Site Special
This site stands out for its comprehensive library of psychology resources. Users can easily search through thousands of entries by keyword, country, area, or field using advanced filters. Results are paginated for smooth browsing and can even be downloaded as a CSV file. Built with Elementor for the design and a custom data library using Advanced Custom Fields, the site is both visually appealing and highly functional.
Overcoming Challenges
A significant challenge was transferring data from a third-party service into WordPress while ensuring everything was accurate and organized. This migration improved the site’s performance and made managing the data much easier. Now, administrators can effortlessly add, edit, or delete entries as needed.
The Results
The final product is a fast, efficient platform that serves as both a repository of valuable information and a communication hub for the psychology community in Latin America. It empowers professionals with easy access to resources and fosters collaboration, making it an indispensable tool for the field.